Review Anima Legacy at

Battleground Ladder

Found a total of 1794 record(s) across 90 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1-20.

Rank Character Points ▼ Class B.level J.level Guild
#1 Alfonso Lights 125 Lord Knight 96 64 NomNom
#2 Kengingz 83 Sniper 99 70 FukTalon
#3 Bowdie 79 Sniper 99 70 None
#4 Bear 64 Champion 99 70 Vandalize
#5 Devudu 55 High Priest 99 70 The Foundation
#6 Dodong 52 Sniper 99 70 None
#7 chucky champ 39 Champion 99 70 ValkRandgris Ko
#8 Lord Bodie 36 Lord Knight 99 70 Autoflower
#9 Sonata 31 Assassin Cross 99 70 WingOfChange
#10 Soth Blackrose 30 Lord Knight 99 70 None
#11 chucky sniper 30 Sniper 99 70 Tekillashoot
#12 Anya Forger 25 High Wizard 99 70 Order of the Phoenix
#13 Ruuy Champ 25 Champion 99 70 None
#14 Lucid Dream 15 Star Gladiator 99 50 None
#15 TestBG 10 Champion 99 70 None
#16 Valentine 10 Whitesmith 99 70 None
#17 MoneyOkami 10 Whitesmith 99 70 Wolfgang
#18 GunOkami 7 Gunslinger 99 70 Wolfgang
#19 Vending Machine 5 Creator 99 70 None
#20 OkamiVendor 5 Whitesmith 99 70 Wolfgang
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